Lords of The Drift return with their second full length album entitled Throat, conceived by David Bason during the recording of the band’s first album soundtracking the conceptual sound of two galaxies colliding.
Throat is an acapella drone/doom record. All instruments have been replaced with human sound. Bason realized during the making of The Arecibo Message that most tones could be reproduced without instruments.
Regardless of its player’s mastery, any mechanically produced interpretation of a concept born in the mind of the composer yields a facsimile removed and alienated from its point of origin. The output is colder than if emanating directly from the human body.
Throat eliminates one step between thought and expression. Wholly emanating from humans, the tones of the record are warmer and thereby naturally authentic than if performed via instruments. The tones are the true authentic voice of the performers. The record is meant to be listened to in its entirety, with headphones.
Throat provides a different listening experience at different volumes. At lower volumes it can be soft and relaxing. At higher volumes it can seem foreboding and dark. Masterfully produced and realized by Joe Cardamone (The Icarus Line), the deliberate placement and layering of each performance was carefully thought out to make the piece move organically from start to finish.

Performances by:
David Bason (War Orphan, Barfbag)
Stephen McBean (Black Mountain, Pink Mountaintops)
Richie Cipriano (War Orphan, Ex-Sick of it All)
Timo Kamarainen (Finnish avant-garde musician)